07 July 2008

Took a bit of a break

So last week was an off week for me. I just didn't get much of anything productive done, including crafting! I'm back at it already this week though. Today I started another crochet wash cloth. I also am planning to design some placemats for the dining room table. Going to sketch those out in a minute. I'm starting to venture into the world of creating crochet patterns for myself. I know I can do it, I have the knowledge. I just have to dedicate the time to it. I will though because I am not finding patterns that are what I want. So when all else fails....do it yourself. :-) I went to a crop last night and scrapbooked the night away. I got 5 layouts "done" as in pictures and paper are placed. I still need to do titles, embellish and journal. I will do that this week though and share soon. I'm also already working on Christmas gift plans. I have things in the works. I took the handmade pledge so I am either buying or making handmade this year. Thus, the reason I am starting so early. This also helps on the Christmas budget. I believe it will keep us from the large expense all at once. Well it's late and my brain is shutting down so I'm going to quit now while I'm still ahead. If you read this blog, thanks for tuning into my ramblings and sharing. Leave me a note to let me know you stopped by. Have a good week!

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