23 July 2008

I've been Tagged!

Well I was told that I've been tagged. After figuring out what that meant...I'm following through...
And I've been tagged!
1. Ten Years Ago- I was 21. I lived on my own in a studio apartment with my 2 dogs. I worked at a uniform shop as the materials manager.
2. Five Things on Today's To Do List- Get out of bed, watch Abby, dishes, vacuum, mark molding to be cut.
3. Snacks I Enjoy- Fritos, Washington Apples, cheese sticks and m&m's.
4. Places I've Lived- Washington (Too many to name), Terceira Island (Azores, Portugal), Tualatin Oregon, Jacksonville Arkansas.
5. Two People I'm Tagging - Sarah, Erin G. Now this was supposed to be four people but others I wanted to tag had already been tagged.

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